Ed Timberlake started his career at the USPTO as a Trademark Examiner and later moved into private practice. With his vast trademark knowledge, he didn’t think he would need sophisticated software to manage trademarks. He’d also found that most IP docketing software was about the same. Then he discovered Alt Legal.

Ed Timberlake
Former USPTO Examiner | Timberlake Law
Ed Timberlake knew that he wanted to pursue a trademark practice before he even started law school. And in the two decades since, his passion for trademarks has never wavered. He started his career at the USPTO as a Trademark Examiner and later moved into private practice. With his vast trademark knowledge, he didn’t think he would need sophisticated software to manage trademarks. He’d also found that most IP docketing software was about the same.
“All the platforms I tried seemed like they were meant for patents, not for trademarks. Patent docketing systems try to tack on trademarks as an afterthought. Their trademark platforms aren’t specialized: they just look like a spreadsheet, and their visual style is circa 2002.”
Then he discovered Alt Legal and was immediately impressed. He loved the interface and focus on trademarks.
“Initially I didn’t imagine that I needed new software. I wasn’t leaving a product that I thought was bad. I was in a good place. But I decided that it was worth shifting my behavior because Alt Legal’s software was so nicely laid out.”
In the time since then, he’s only gained more appreciation for Alt Legal.
“I love the automation. Previously, any automation I’d seen had been for patents only, so I was thrilled to see automated trademark docketing. Another important aspect of the software is the ability to narrow down views so that data is meaningful. Instead of seeing everything, I’m able to see the data points that are relevant, so it helps me focus. I can’t overstate the significance of the ease of being able to switch back and forth between a general overview and a detailed view of just the information I need. A couple of clicks will show me whatever I want to see. I’m not just impressed with the visual design, though: attention to that part of the design seems to carry through to being able to use the software. It is thoughtfully put together so that you can use it and not get a headache.”
Ed also appreciates Alt Legal’s quick, responsive, friendly support.
“I’ve had a number of dynamite interactions with the staff. I love the live chat support, and I never hesitate to use it. The ability to have a meaningful response quickly is great.”
Ed says he brags about Alt Legal to his colleagues. It has simplified his practice and helped him focus his time and efforts on effectively counseling his clients.