I ♡ Trademarks NewsletterIssue #362
Bri Van Til | November 14, 2023

In just over two weeks, TESS will be gone. Here is an explanation of how to use the USPTO’s new (as yet unnamed) trademark search system.
Looking to get more traffic to your firm’s website? The answer is content. Check out this amazing presentation to see examples and hear a breakdown of how to make it happen. This recording and the rest of the content from Alt Legal Connect are now available for free here.
One example of alluring content is industry-specific explanations, like this one for healthy food and beverage companies.
Another fascinating route to go is to tackle common misconceptions about trademarks or other types of IP protection.
Or you can always go with the basics: just a simple overview of various types of IP protection, like in this patent primer. For a more complicated and trademark attorney-focused explanation of design patents, don’t miss this webinar in January!
WIPO, Wipe Off
WIPO says member countries have to give applicants at least 60 days to respond to provisional refusals.
According to WIPO, trademark applications are on the decline, but our patent friends are still seeing a rise in applications.
And the country with the most growth in patent filings is India.
If you aren’t sure whether to go through WIPO or individual countries when you need international trademark protection, watch this past webinar for suggestions.
Cultural Appropriation
At the end of the month, the USPTO is hosting an all-day event to discuss Native American IP and consumer protection.
It’s been about a decade since Disney struck out when it tried to secure trademark rights to DÍA DE LOS MUERTOS. They abandoned the application a week later.
To learn more about cultural appropriation in trademarks, including why it matters and what you can do about it, check out this session from Alt Legal Connect.
Professional Concerns
Locke (Lord) in this position as an IP associate.
This listing for corporate counsel might be the best job opening in the Galaxy.
IP paralegals: this listing at GE Aerospace is out of this world. For more paralegal job listings and other stellar postings, make sure to join the Trademark Administrators’ Exchange.
Lululemon—which is an athleticwear company, not one of Strawberry Shortcake’s friends—is looking for counsel.
Score! Trustpoint.One is looking for an IP advisor.
Staff attorneys are one of the most important Staples of a company’s leadership team.
Have an open role on your team? Send a link to your job listing to [email protected], and we’ll publish it in our next newsletter.
Odds and Ends
Oregon is nixing the bar exam in favor of working under an attorney.
We’re all aware that colors may be trademarked, but a company recently filed a trademark application for the wordmark KELLY GREEN. Want to guess who? It wasn’t Crayola.
Walmart and Vans have settled their trademark infringement suit, with the former agreeing to stop selling the alleged knockoffs.
Come to this webinar where Jamaican trademark attorney Rachael Lodge Corrie will discuss quirks of the country’s trademark system that can allow you priority without announcing your intentions to the world just yet. For more about the strategy, check out this article.
There will be no newsletter next week because of the holiday.