TMEP / Subject Matter Index S
A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P, Q, R, S, T, U, V, W, X, Y, Z
- Scandalous matter ( See Immoral or scandalous matter)
- Scent as mark— 807.09 ; 904.03(m) ; 1202.13
- Scope of identification of goods and services for purposes of amendment— 1402.07 – 1402.07(e)
- “Search clause”— 704.02
- Search facility for public trademark— 104
- Search of trademark applications and registrations— 104
- Search room, trademark assignment— 503.08
- Search, by examining attorney— 206.04 ; 704.02 ; 718.07 ; 1904.09(b)
- Secondary meaning ( See Acquired distinctiveness (§2(f)) claim)
- Secondary source— 1202.03(c)
- Section 2(f) claim ( See Acquired distinctiveness (§2(f)) claim)
- Section 8 affidavit ( See Affidavit of continued use or excusable nonuse (§8))
- Section 15 affidavit ( See Affidavit of incontestability)
- Section 44 ( See also Foreign registration, application based on ownership of and Priority claim in §44(d) application and Priority under §44(d), application claiming)
- applications for Supplemental Register under— 1014
- assignment of applications under— 1006
- claim of acquired distinctiveness in application under— 1010
- eligible applicants, under— 1002 – 1002.05
- international trademark agreements implemented by— 1001
- sections of publications, marks that identify— 1202.07 – 1202.07(b)
- Section 66(a) application ( See also Extension of protection of international registration to the United States and Registered extension of protection of international registration to the United States)
- amendment of identification of goods/services— 1402.01(c) ; 1609.01(a) ; 1904.02(c) – 1904.02(c)(v) ; 1906.01(i)
- amendment of mark not permitted— 807.13(b) ; 1609.02 ; 1904.02(j) ; 1906.01(i)
- amendment to Supplemental Register not permitted— 801.02(b) ; 815 ; 816.01 ; 816.04 ; 1904.02(f)
- assignability of— 501.01(b)
- assignee, issuance of registration certificate in name of— 502.02(b)
- assignment of— 501.01(b) ; 501.07 ; 502.01 ; 502.02(b) ; 503.03(a) ; 503.05 ; 1904.06 ; 1906.01(a) – 1906.01(a)(iii)
- basis— 806.01(e) ; 806.03(k) ; 1505.02(f) ; 1904.01(a)
- cancellation of, by IB— 1904.08
- cannot be based on USPTO application— 1904.01(h)
- certificate of registration— 1904.05
- certificate of registration, issuance in name of new owner— 502.02(b) ; 502.03
- certification and collective marks— 1904.02(d)
- claim of acquired distinctiveness— 1212.08
- classification of goods and services— 1401.03(d) ; 1403.02 ; 1403.02(b) – 1403.02(c) ; 1505.02(b) ; 1609.04 ; 1904.02(b)
- concurrent use registration not permitted— 1207.04(b)
- constructive use— 1904.01(g)
- correction of errors— 1904.03(f) ; 1904.13 ; 1904.13(b) ; 1904.14 ; 1906.01(f)
- correspondence address— 609.01(a) ; 1904.02(i)
- declaration of intent to use required— 804.05 ; 1904.01(c) ; 1904.02(d)
- description of mark— 808.03(b) ; 1904.02(k)
- dividing— 1110.11 – 1110.11(a) ; 1615.02
- drawing— 807.03(b) ; 807.03(g) – 807.03(h) ; 807.07(b) ; 807.07(d)(iii) ; 807.07(f)(i) ; 807.12(c) ; 807.13(b) ; 1904.02(j) ; 1904.02(k)
- establishing right to take action— 502.01
- examination of— 1904.02 – 1904.09(b)
- express abandonment of— 718.01
- filing basis— 806.01(e) ; 806.03(k) ; 1303.01(a)(v) ; 1304.02(a)(v) ; 1306.02(a)(v) ; 1505.02(f) ; 1904.01(a)
- filing date— 201 ; 202 – 202.01 ; 203 ; 1904.01(b)
- filing fee— 202.03 ; 810 – 810.01 ; 1110.11(a) ; 1401.04 ; 1401.04(b) ; 1904.01(f)
- filing receipt— 401.01
- identification of goods and services— 1401.03(d) ; 1402.01(c) ; 1609.01(a) ; 1609.03 ; 1904.02(b) ; 1904.02(c) – 1904.02(c)(v) ; 1906.01(i)
- invalidation of— 1904.07 – 1904.07(d)
- issuance of registration certificate in name of new owner— 502.02(b) ; 502.03
- jurisdiction— 1504.04 – 1504.04(a) ; 1904.02(l)
- limitation in list of goods/services— 1904.02(e)(ii) ; 1904.03(g) ; 1904.15 ; 1906.01(e)
- mark cannot be amended— 807.03(g) – 807.03(h) ; 807.13(b) ; 1904.02(j) ; 1906.01(i)
- must be filed by holder of international registration— 1201
- notice of refusal— 711.02 ; 714.05(b) ; 1904.03 – 1904.03(g) ; 1904.04
- Office actions, issuing— 1904.02(h)
- opposition— 1503.01 ; 1503.04 – 1503.05 ; 1504.02 ; 1504.04 ; 1504.05 ; 1904.04
- ownership, change of— 501.01(b) ; 501.07 ; 502.01 ; 502.02(b) ; 503.03(a) ; 503.05 ; 1904.06 ; 1906.01(a) – 1906.01(a)(iii) ; 1906.01(c)
- ownership, in general— 501 – 501.07 ; 502 – 502.03 ; 1201 – 1201.07(b)(iv) ; 1904.06
- priority claim— 206.02 ; 1904.01(e)
- recording change of ownership— 503.05 ; 1904.06 ; 1906.01(a) – 1906.01(a)(iii)
- refusal of— 711.02 ; 714.05(b) ; 1904.03 – 1904.04
- remains part of international registration— 1904.05
- remand— 1504.02 ; 1504.04 ; 1504.05
- renewal of— 1602.01 ; 1606.01(b) ; 1614 ; 1905
- replacement— 1616 ; 1904.12
- signature— 804.04 ; 804.05 ; 1303.01(a)(v) ; 1303.01(b)(ii) ; 1304.02(a)(v) ; 1304.02(b)(ii) ; 1306.02(a)(v) ; 1306.02(b)(ii) ; 1904.01(c)
- Supplemental Register, amendment to not a new issue— 714.05(a)(i)
- Supplemental Register, not registrable on— 801.02(b) ; 815 ; 816.01 ; 816.04 ; 1904.02(f)
- transformation of— 1904.09 – 1904.09(b)
- use not required— 901 ; 1904.01(d)
- verification— 804 ; 804.04 ; 804.05 ; 1303.01(a)(v) ; 1303.01(b) ; 1303.01(b)(ii) ; 1304.02(a)(v) ; 1304.02(b)(ii) ; 1306.02(a)(v) ; 1306.02(b)(ii) ; 1904.01(c) ; 1904.02(d)
- Section 71 affidavit— 1613 – 1613.21(d) ; 1904.10
- Security interest agreements, recording of— 503.02
- Serial number— 401.02
- Series code— 401.02
- Service mark
- character or personal name— 1202.09(a) – 1202.10 ; 1301.02(b)
- computer software— 1301.02(f)
- definition of— 1301 ; 1301.02
- functional matter— 1202.02(a)(vii)
- identification and classification of services— 1301.05 ; 1401 – 1401.13 ; 1402.11 – 1402.11(k)
- informational matter— 1301.02(a)
- matter that does not function as— 1301.02(a)
- ornamental matter— 1301.02(a)
- process, system or method— 1301.02(e)
- product used in performing service— 1301.02(a)
- radio and television program, title of— 1301.02(d)
- specimens of use— 1301.04 – 1301.04(j)
- system, process or method— 1301.02(e)
- three-dimensional— 1202.02(a)(vii) ; 1202.02(b)(ii) ; 1301.02(c)
- use in commerce— 1301.03 – 1301.03(b)
- what is a— 1301.02 – 1301.02(f)
- Service, what is a— 1301.01 – 1301.01(b)(vi)
- contests and promotional activities— 1301.01(b)(i)
- criteria for determining what constitutes— 1301.01(a) – 1301.01(a)(iii)
- informational services ancillary to sale of goods— 1301.01(b)(v)
- investment, soliciting— 1301.01(b)(iv)
- promotional services— 1215.02(b) ; 1301.01(a)(ii) ; 1301.01(b)(i)
- publishing— 1301.01(b)(iii)
- warranty or guarantee of repair— 1301.01(b)(ii)
- Services
- classification of— 1301.05 ; 1401 – 1401.13
- identification of— 1402.11 – 1402.11(k)
- Shape as mark
- background designs and shapes as mark— 1202.11
- product and container configurations— 1202.02(a) – 1202.02(f)(ii)
- Signature ( See also Verification of application)
- as certification— 611.01(a)
- by association— 611.06(f) ; 804.04
- by corporation— 611.06(d) ; 804.04
- by foreign corporate-type entity— 611.06(e) ; 804.04
- by joint applicants— 611.02 – 611.02(a) ; 611.06(a) ; 804.04
- by joint venture— 611.06(c) ; 804.04
- by limited liability company— 611.06(g) ; 803.03(h) ; 804.04
- by limited liability partnership— 611036(h)
- by partnership— 611.06(b) ; 804.04
- by someone other than applicant or applicant’s attorney— 611.05 – 611.05(c)
- by unincorporated association— 611.06(f)
- date of— 804.03 ; 1104.10(b)(ii) ; 1108.02(b) ; 1109.11(c)
- electronic— 611.01(c)
- must be personally signed— 611.01(b) – 611.01(c) ; 611.02 – 611.02(a) ; 611.03 – 611.03(i) ; 712 – 712.03 ; 804.01(b) ; 804.04
- of amendments and responses— 611.02 – 611.02(a) ; 611.03(b) ; 611.05 – 611.05(c) ; 712.01
- of applicant ( See Verification of application)
- of application for registration, persons who can sign— 804.04
- of correction, amendment, or surrender of registration— 611.03(f)
- of correspondence address change request in an application or registration— 609.02(b) ; 611.02 ; 611.03(i)
- of documents filed in USPTO— 611 – 611.05(c)
- of domestic representative designation and representation— 610 ; 611.03(h)
- of electronically filed documents— 611.01(c)
- of letter of express abandonment— 608.01 ; 611.02 ; 611.05 ; 718.01
- of petition to Director— 611.02 – 611.02(a) ; 611.03(e) ; 1705.07
- of petition to revive— 611.03(d) ; 1705.07 ; 1714.01(e)
- of powers of attorney and revocations of powers of attorney— 606 ; 611.03(c)
- of renewal applications— 611.03(g) ; 1606.07
- of request to divide— 611.02 – 611.02(a) ; 611.03(b) ; 1110.06
- of response to Office action— 608.01 ; 611.02 – 611.02(a) ; 611.03(b) ; 712 – 712.03
- of TEAS document— 611.01(c) ; 611.02(a)
- persons who can sign verification on behalf of applicant— 804.04
- persons who may sign response— 712.01
- requirements for— 611.01(b)
- Single creative work, title of— 1202.08 – 1202.08(f) ; 1301.02(d)
- Size of mark on drawing— 807.05(c) ; 807.06(a)
- Slogans
- disclaimers with respect to— 1213.05(b)(i)
- registrability of— 1202.03(f)(i) ; 1202.04 ; 1301.02(a)
- Sole proprietorship as applicant— 803.03(a)
- Sound marks— 807.09 ; 904.03(f) ; 1202.15
- “Special” applications ( See also Petition to make “special”)— 702.02
- Special form drawing— 807.04 – 807.04(b)
- Specimens
- affidavit of use of— 904.05
- agreement with mark on drawing— 807.12 – 807.12(e) ; 1215.02(c) ; 1306.04(a)
- beta versions— 904.03(e) ; 904.03(i)(D) ; 1301.03(a)
- bulky— 904.02(b)
- catalogs— 904.03(h)
- certification mark— 1306.02(a)(i)(B) ; 1306.05(b)(iii) ; 1306.04(c) ; 1306.04(d) – 1306.04(d)(ii) ; 1306.05(b)(iii)
- collective membership mark— 1304.02(a)(i)(C) ; 1304.03(b)– 1304.03(b)(ii)
- collective trademark and collective service mark, confusion with trademark or service mark— 1303.02(b)
- commercial packaging— 904.03(c)
- deferral of examination in multiple-basis application— 806.02(c)
- digitally created/altered or mockup— 904.04(a)(i) – 904.04(a)(iii)
- displays associated with goods— 904.03(g)
- electronic and digital media attachments— 904.03(d)
- electronic displays— 904.03(i) – 904.03(i)(D)
- electronically filed— 904.02(a) ; 1104.10(b)(v) ; 1109.09(b) ; 1604.12(b)
- facsimiles— 904.02(b)
- for amendment to allege use— 1104.10(b)(v)
- for color marks— 904.02(c)(ii) ; 1202.05(f)
- for combined application ( See Specimen, multiple-class application)
- for computer programs, movies, videos, or audio recordings— 904.03(e)
- for downloadable computersoftware— 904.03(e)
- for flavor marks— 904.03(m)
- for motion marks— 904.03(l)
- for publications— 904.02(c)(iii)
- for scent marks— 904.03(m)
- for statement of use— 1109.09(b)
- impracticable to place mark on goods, packaging, or displays— 904.03(k)
- labels— 904.03(a)
- manuals— 904.03(j)
- multiple-class application— 904.01 ; 904.01(b) ; 1402.03(c) ; 1403.01 ; 1403.02(b)
- musical score— 904.03(f) ; 1202.15
- number of— 904.01 – 904.01(b)
- other materials required for examination— 904.02(c)(i)
- package inserts— 904.04(c)
- paper filed— 904.02(b)
- parties named on-Office no longer inquires as to relationship with applicant— 1201.04
- physical form of— 904.02 – 904.02(b)
- service mark— 1301.04 – 1301.04(j)
- sound marks— 904.03(f)
- stampings— 904.03(b)
- statutory refusals— 904.07 – 904.07(b)(i) ; 1301.04(g) – 1301.04(g)(ii) ; 1304.03(b) – 1304.03(b)(ii) ; 1306.04(d) – 1306.04(d)(ii)
- substitute ( See Substitute specimens)
- tags— 904.03
- trademark— 904.03 – 904.04(c)
- translation of matter on— 904.06
- use, affidavit of— 904.05
- Standard character drawings— 807.03 – 807.03(i)
- and foreign registration— 807.03(f) ; Appendix E
- and specimen of use— 807.03(e)
- changing to or from special form may be material alteration— 807.03(d) ; 807.14 – 807.14(f)
- combined with other elements— 807.03(c)
- format unclear— 807.03(h)
- in §44 application— 807.03(f)
- in §66(a) application— 807.03(b) ; 807.03(g) – 807.03(h)
- list of— 807.03(b)
- mark drawing code— 807.18
- requirements for— 807.03(a)
- Standard character list— 807.03(b)
- Stare decisis— 1217
- Statement of use
- approval of— 1109.18
- black-out period— 1103 ; 1104.03(b)
- classification, amendment of— 1109.14
- clear-error standard in examining— 706.01 ; 1109.08
- correcting defects— 1109.16 – 1109.16(e)
- date of execution— 1109.11(c)
- dates of use— 1109.09(a)
- dates of use, amendment of— 903.04 ; 1109.09(a)
- discrepancies between dates of use and execution dates— 903.06(a)
- drawing— 1109.12
- examination of— 1109.07 – 1109.08 ; 1109.16(b)
- execution of— 1109.11 – 1109.11(d)
- extension of time to file ( See Request for extension of time to file statement of use)
- failure to file within time permitted— 718.04 ; 1109.04
- fee for filing— 1109.15 – 1109.15(a)
- form of— 1109.05
- hand delivery of— 1109.05
- identification of goods/services in— 1109.13
- may not be withdrawn— 1109.17
- minimum requirements for— 1109.01
- minimum requirements, review for compliance with— 1109.02
- necessary elements of— 1109.06
- ownership— 1109.10
- petition to review refusal— 1109.02(a)
- recourse after refusal— 1109.16(e)
- requirements for— 1109.06
- response to Office action— 1109.16(d)
- signature of— 804.04 ; 1109.11 – 1109.11(d)
- specimens for— 1109.09(b)
- time for filing— 1109.04
- use in commerce— 1109.09
- use on all goods/services required before filing— 1109.03
- verification of— 804.04 ; 1109.11 – 1109.11(d)
- withdrawal prohibited— 1109.17
- Status inquiries— 108 – 108.03 ; 1705.05
- Statutory averments in application for registration— 804.02 ; 804.05 ; 1303.01(b) – 1303.01(b)(ii) ; 1304.02(b) – 1304.02(b)(ii) ; 1306.02(b) – 1306.02(b)(ii)
- Stippling on drawing— 808.01(b)
- Subpoena received by Office employee— 1801.01
- Subsequent designations— 1902.08 – 1902.08(e)
- Substitute drawing— 807.15 ; 807.18
- Substitute specimens
- affidavit supporting— 904.05
- for amendment to allege use— 1104.10(b)(v)
- for statement of use— 1109.09(b)
- in response to refusal for failure to show the applied-for mark functioning as a mark— 714.05(f)
- in response to refusal for failure to show use of the mark in commerce— 714.05(e)
- may require amendment of dates of use— 904.05
- requirements for substitute specimens and statutory refusals— 904.07 – 904.07(b)(i)
- Supplemental Register
- allegation of use filed with amendment to— 714.05(a)(i) ; 1102.03
- amendment of application to— 816 – 816.05
- applications for— 815 – 815.04
- intent-to-use applications— 206.01 ; 714.05(a)(i) ; 1102.03
- marks eligible for Principal Register not registrable on— 815.01
- not an admission that mark has not acquired distinctiveness— 815.03
- refusal of incapable matter— 815.04
- request for extension of protection of international registration, not eligible— 801.02(b) ; 815 ; 816.01 ; 816.04 ; 1904.02(f)
- required elements— 815.02
- Surname, primarily merely a— 1211 – 1211.02(b)(vii)
- combined with additional matter— 1211.01(b) – 1211.01(b)(viii)
- combined with domain name— 1211.01(b)(vii) ; 1215.03
- combined with initials— 1211.01(b)(iii)
- combined with legal or familial entity designation— 1211.01(b)(viii)
- combined with title— 1211.01(b)(iv)
- combined with wording— 1211.01(b)(vi)
- doctrine of foreign equivalents— 1211.01(a)(vii)
- double surname— 1211.01(b)(i)
- evidence supporting refusal— 1211.02 – 1211.02(b)(vii)
- fame of mark evidence— 1211.02(b)(vii)
- geographical significance— 1211.01(a)(iii)
- historical place or person— 1211.01(a)(iv)
- LexisNexis® research database evidence— 1211.02(b)(ii)
- “look and feel” of a surname— 1211.01(a)(vi)
- negative dictionary evidence— 1211.01(a)(vii) ; 1211.02(b)(vi)
- non-surname significance— 1211.01(a) – 1211.01(a)(vi)
- ordinary language meaning— 1211.01(a)(i)
- person associated with application, surname of— 1211.02(b)(iv)
- phonetic equivalent— 1211.01(a)(ii)
- plural— 1211.01(b)(v)
- possessive— 1211.01(b)(v)
- rare— 1211.01(a)(v)
- specimens confirming surname significance of term— 1211.02(b)(v)
- stylization— 1211.01(b)(ii)
- telephone directory listings— 1211.02(b)(i) – 1211.02(b)(iii)
- U.S. census database evidence— 1211.02(b)(iii)
- Surrender of registration for cancellation— 1608 ; 1904.07(c)
- Suspended cases checked by examining attorney— 716.04
- Suspension of action by Office
- after final action— 716.06
- circumstances where appropriate— 716.02 – 716.02(i)
- letter of inquiry regarding— 716.05
- notice of— 716.01
- pending cancellation or expiration of cited registration— 716.02(e)
- pending correction of or limitation to international registration— 716.02(g)
- pending decision on petition not permitted— 716.02 ; 1705.06
- pending disposition of earlier-filed application— 716.02(c)
- pending disposition of request for correction filed with the IB— 716.02(g)
- pending expiration of “insurance” extension request— 716.02(f)
- pending inter partes or court proceeding— 716.02(d)
- pending receipt of foreign registration— 716.02(b) ; 1003.04(a)
- pending receipt of proof of renewal of foreign registration— 716.02(b) ; 1004.01(a)
- request to remove— 716.03
- Suspension of practitioner from practice before USPTO— 608.02
- Suspension, removal of application from— 716.03 ; 716.06
- Swiss Confederation Coat of Arms & Swiss Flag— 1205.01(d) – 1205.01(d)(iv)
A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P, Q, R, S, T, U, V, W, X, Y, Z