TMEP / Subject Matter Index G
A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P, Q, R, S, T, U, V, W, X, Y, Z
- General information booklet about trademarks— 105
- Generic terms— 1209.01(c) – 1209.01(c)(iii) ; 1215.05
- Geographic terms
- “America” and “American”— 1210.02(b)(iv)
- arbitrary use of— 1210.04(d)
- arbitrary, fanciful, or suggestive composite— 1210.02(c)(iii)
- as certification marks— 1210.09 ; 1306.05 – 1306.05(j)
- combined with additional matter— 1210.02(c) – 1210.02(c)(iii) ; 1210.06 – 1210.06(b) ; 1215.06
- combined with domain name— 1215.06
- disclaimer of— 1210.06(a) – 1210.06(b)
- for cheeses and processed meats— 1209.03(y)
- geographic locations— 1210.02(a)
- goods/place association— 1210.04 ; 1210.04(a)
- misleading indication of origin of wines/spirits— 1210.08 – 1210.08(a)
- more than one location with same name— 1210.02(b)(ii)
- non-geographic characteristics— 1210.02(b)(iii)
- obscure or remote— 1210.04(c)
- origin of goods or services— 1210.03
- other meanings— 1210.02(b)(i) – 1210.02(b)(i)(A)
- primary geographic significance— 1210.02 – 1210.02(c)(iii)
- registrability on Supplemental Register— 1210.07(a)
- registrability under §2(f)— 1210.07(b)
- registration of, under §2(f)— 1210.07(b)
- services/place association— 1210.04 ; 1210.04(b)
- two geographic terms combined— 1210.02(c)(i)
- used as certification mark to designate regional origin— 1306.05 – 1306.05(j)
- with surname significance— 1210.02(b)(i)(A)
- Geographical indications used on wine or spirits— 1210.08 – 1210.08(c)
- Geographical marks, deceptive ( See also Geographically deceptively misdescriptive marks)— 1203.02(a) ; 1203.02(c) ; 1203.02(e)(ii) ; 1203.02(g) ; 1210.01(b) – 1210.01(c) ; 1210.05 – 1210.05(e) ; 1210.10
- arbitrary use of geographic terms— 1210.04(d)
- basis for refusal— 1210.05(a)
- case references— 1210.05(e)
- disclaimer— 1210.06(b)
- elements of— 1210.05(b)
- goods/place or services/place association— 1210.04 – 1210.04(b)
- materiality of deception— 1210.05(c) – 1210.05(c)(ii)
- neither applicant nor goods/services come from the place named— 1210.05(d)(i)
- obscure or remove geographic marks— 1210.04(c)
- procedures for issuing refusal— 1210.05(d) – 1210.05(d)(ii)
- registrability on Supplemental Register— 1210.07(a)
- registrability under §2(f)— 1210.07(b)
- test— 1210.01(c)
- unclear whether goods/services originate from the place named— 1210.05(d)(ii)
- used on wines and spirits— 1210.08 – 1210.08(a)
- Geographically deceptively misdescriptive marks ( See also Geographical marks, deceptive)— 1210.01(b) ; 1210.05(a) – 1210.05(e) ; 1210.06(b) ; 1210.10
- basis for refusal— 1210.05(a)
- disclaimer of geographic matter— 1210.06(b)
- materiality of deception— 1210.05(c) – 1210.05(c)(ii)
- registrability on Supplemental Register— 1210.07(a)
- registrability under §2(f)— 1210.07(b)
- test— 1210.01(b)
- Geographically descriptive marks— 1210 – 1210.01(a) ; 1210.02 – 1210.04(d) ; 1210.06 – 1210.06(a) ; 1210.07 – 1210.10
- combined with additional matter— 1210.06 – 1210.06(a)
- disclaimer of geographic matter— 1210.06(a)
- registrability on Supplemental Register— 1210.07(a)
- registrability under §2(f)— 1210.07(b)
- test— 1210.01(a)
- Geometric shapes— 1202.11
- Gift baskets, identification and classification— 1401.05(a) ; 1902.02(g)(iii)
- Good cause, showing of, in request for second or subsequent extension of time to file statement of use— 1108.02(f) – 1108.02(h)
- Goods ( See Classification of goods/services and Identification of goods/services)
- Goods in trade— 1202.06 – 1202.06(c)
- Goods/place association— 1210.04 – 1210.04(d)
- Government agencies and instrumentalities— 1203.03(a)(i) – 1203.03(a)(iii) ; 1203.03(c)(ii) ; 1205.01
- Government insignia— 1204 ; 1204.02 ; 1204.03
- Governmental body as owner of mark— 803.03(f)
- Grade designations— 1202.16 – 1202.16(c)(v)(B)
- Gray tones in drawings— 807.07(d) – 807.07(d)(iii)
- Greek cross— 1205.01 ; 1205.01(c) – 1205.01(c)(iv)
A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P, Q, R, S, T, U, V, W, X, Y, Z