TMEP / Subject Matter Index
A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P, Q, R, S, T, U, V, W, X, Y, Z
- Abandonment of application ( See also Petition to revive abandoned application and Reinstatement of inadvertently abandoned application)
- after ex parte appeal— 718.05 ; 1714.01(f)(i)
- after inter partes proceeding— 718.06
- defined— 718
- express— 611.02 ; 718.01
- granting additional time to avoid— 718.03(b)
- incomplete response resulting in— 718 – 718.03(b) ; 1713.01 ; 1714.01(f)(ii)A
- location of files— 109.02
- notice of, for failure to respond— 718.04 ; 718.06
- of multiple-basis application— 806.02(d)
- of multiple-class application— 1403.05
- ordering abandoned files— 109.02
- partial— 718.02(a) ; 1402.13 ; 1403.05 ; 1904.03(d)
- petition from examining attorney’s holding of— 1713.01
- through failure to file statement of use— 718.04
- through failure to prosecute appeal— 718.05
- through failure to respond to Office action— 718.02 ; 718.03
- Abstracts of title— 503.08(a)
- Acceptable Identification of Goods and Services Manual— 1402.04
- Access by public to files
- Accessibility
- Acquired distinctiveness (§2(f) claim)— 1212 et seq.
- allegation of use filed with amendment to— 714.05(a)(i)
- as to a portion of the mark— 1212.02(f)(i) ; 1212.09(b)
- as to particular goods/services/classes— 1212.02(j)
- based on five years’ use— 1212.05 – 1212.05(d)
- based on ownership of prior registrations— 1212.04 – 1212.04(e)
- concession that matter is not inherently distinctive— 1212.02(b)
- disclaimers in applications claiming §2(f)— 1212.02(e)
- establishing with actual evidence— 1212.06 – 1212.06(e)(iv)
- evidence submitted to establish— 1212.06 – 1212.06(e)(iv)
- first or only user— 1212.06(e)(i)
- five years of use as proof of— 1212.05 – 1212.05(d)
- in part— 1212.02(f) – 1212.02(f)(ii)(B) ; 1212.09(b)
- in the alternative— 1212.02(c)
- in §1(b) application— 1212.09 – 1212.09(b)
- in §44 application— 1010 ; 1212.08
- in §66(a) application— 1212.08
- printing of— 817 ; 1212.10
- prior registrations as proof of— 1212.04 – 1212.04(e)
- unnecessary— 1212.02(d)
- with respect to incapable matter— 1212.02(i)
- Act of 1881— 1601.04 ; 1602.02
- Act of 1905— 1601.04 ; 1602.02
- Act of 1920— 1601.05 ; 1602.03
- Act of 1946 ( See Trademark Act of 1946)
- Action after issuance of notice of allowance and before filing of statement of use— 806.03(j)(ii) ; 1107 – 1107.01
- Action by affidavit/renewal examiner
- Action by examining attorney ( See also Examination)
- after final refusal— 715 ; 715.03(b)
- after new search— 206.04
- all arguments by applicant to be addressed in— 713.03
- all outstanding refusals and requirements to be noted in— 713.02
- citation of decisions in— 705.05
- citation of registrations in— 705.03
- date of— 705.07
- evidence supporting refusal in— 710.01 – 710.01(c)
- form paragraphs in— 705.01
- incomplete response to— 611.05(a) – (c) ; 718.03 – 718.03(b) ; 1713.01 – 1713.02 ; 1714.01(f)(ii)(A)
- language in— 705.01
- non-receipt of— 717.02
- piecemeal action to be avoided— 704.01
- raising new issues— 706 – 706.01
- returned— 403 ; 717.01
- review by supervisory examining attorney— 705.06
- “search clause” in— 704.02
- signature in— 705.06
- statutory language in— 705.01
- supplemental action— 711.02
- to be complete— 704.01
- Address
- changing address of owner of registration— 1609.11
- changing correspondence address— 503.01(b) ; 609.02 – 609.02(f)
- correspondence— 609 – 609.03
- domicile address— 803.05(a) ; 1612.01(b)
- for communications to the International Bureau— 1906
- for communications to U.S. Patent and Trademark Office (“USPTO”)— 305.01
- for electronic mail communications— 304
- for filing documents to be recorded in Assignment Division— 503.04
- of applicant— 803.05
- of assignee— 502.02(a) – (b)
- Advisory statement cannot serve as foundation for final refusal— 714.05(c)
- Aesthetic functionality— 1202.02(a)(vi)
- Affidavit of continued use or excusable nonuse (§8) ( See also Affidavit of continued use or excusable nonuse (§71))
- appeal to federal court— 1604.18(d)
- certification marks— 1604.21 – 1604.21(d)
- change from mark as registered— 1604.13
- character of use of mark— 1604.10
- collective marks— 1604.20 – 1604.20(b)
- combined with renewal application— 1604.19 ; 1606.15
- combined with §15 affidavit— 1605.05
- deficiencies, correction of— 1604.06(b) ; 1604.17 – 1604.17(c)
- domestic representative, designation of— 1604.14
- excusable nonuse— 1604.11
- execution of— 1604.08 – 1604.08(d)
- extension of protection to the United States (§71)— 1613
- fee for filing— 1604.06 – 1604.06(c)
- form for filing— 1604.03
- goods and services set forth in— 1604.09
- grace period— 1604.04 ; 1604.06(b)
- nonuse— 1604.11
- notice on registration certificate— 1604.02
- Office action upon examination of— 1604.15
- ownership— 1604.07 – 1604.07(f)
- petition to Director— 1604.18 – 1604.18(c)
- premature filing of— 1604.04(a)
- recourse after refusal— 1604.18 – 1604.18(d)
- registrations in 20-year terms— 1604.04(b)
- requirements for— 1604.05
- response to Office action— 1604.16
- signature— 1604.08 – 1604.08(d)
- specimen(s)— 1604.12 – 1604.12(c)
- time for filing— 1604.04 ; 1604.17(c)
- untimely filing cannot be cured— 1604.17(c) ; 1712.02(a)
- use in commerce— 1604.10
- who may file— 1604.07
- Affidavit of continued use or excusable nonuse (§71) ( See also Affidavit of continued use or excusable nonuse (§8))— 1613
- certification marks— 1613.21 – 1613.21(d)
- collective marks— 1613.20 – 1613.20(b)
- Affidavit of incontestability (§15)— 1605 – 1605.06
- combined with §8 affidavit— 1605.05
- fee— 1605.04
- form for filing— 1605.02
- premature— 1605.03
- registered extension of protection of international registration— 1605.01 ; 1904.11
- requirements for— 1605.04
- substitute— 1605.04
- Supplemental Register registrations not eligible— 1605.01
- time for filing— 1605.03
- §14 limitation independent of— 1605.06
- Affidavit of use ( See Affidavit of continued use or excusable nonuse (§8) and Affidavit of continued use or excusable nonuse (§71))
- Affidavit under §8 ( See Affidavit of continued use or excusable nonuse (§8))
- Affidavit under §71 ( See Affidavit of continued use or excusable nonuse (§71))
- Agents— 602.03 – 602.03(b)
- Agreement of drawing and foreign registration in §44 application— 807.03(f) ; 807.12(b) ; 1011.01
- Agreement of drawing and specimen— 807.03(e) ; 807.12(a) – 807.12(a)(iii) ; 1215.02(c)
- Allegations of use in §1(b) application ( See also Amendment to allege use and Statement of use)— 714.05(a)(i) ; 1103
- Alphabetical List, International— 1401.02(c)
- Amendment of application
- after decision on appeal— 1501.06
- after final action— 715 ; 715.01 ; 715.02
- after Notice of Allowance— 1107
- after publication— 806.03(j) – (j)(ii) ; 1505 – 1505.02(g)
- from Principal Register to Supplemental Register in §1(b) application— 1102.03
- prohibited during period between issuance of notice of allowance and filing of statement of use, except to delete specified goods or services (§1(b) application)— 1107
- to add or substitute a basis for registration— 806.03 – 806.03(k)
- to change basis from §44 to §1(b)— 806.03(d)
- to change filing basis from §1(a) to §1(b)— 806.03(c)
- to change filing basis from §1(b) to §44— 806.03(g) ; 806.03(j)(i) – 806.03(j)(iii)
- to claim priority— 806.03(b)
- to delete §1(b) basis— 806.04 – 806.04(a)
- to different register— 816 – 816.05 ; 1014 ; 1102.03
- Amendment of dates of use
- Amendment of mark in registration— 1609.02 – 1609.02(g)
- drawing— 1609.02(b)
- fee required— 1609.02
- in registered extension of protection— 1609.02 ; 1904.13
- material alteration of mark not permitted— 1609.02(a)
- specimen— 1609.02(c)
- who may request— 1609.02
- Amendment of mark on drawing— 807.15
- amendment to cure “internal inconsistency” not permitted— 807.14(d)
- in marks comprising domain names— 1215.08 – 1215.08(b)
- in registered extension of protection— 1609.02 ; 1904.02(j) ; 1904.13 ; 1906.01(i)
- in registration based on §1 or §44 application— 1609.02 – 1609.02(g)
- in request for extension of protection of international registration— 807.13(b) ; 1609.02 ; 1904.02(j) ; 1904.13 ; 1906.01(i)
- in §44 application— 1011.03
- may not result in material alteration— 807.03(d) ; 807.14 – 807.14(e) ; 1609.02 – 1609.02(g)
- must be warranted by specimens or foreign registration— 807.12(a) – 807.12(a)(iii) ; 807.12(b) ; 807.13
- not permitted in §66(a) application— 807.13(b) ; 1609.02 ; 1904.02(j) ; 1906.01(i)
- procedures for— 807.15 ; 807.16
- processing unacceptable amendments— 807.17
- to color features— 807.14(e) – 807.14(e)(iii)
- Amendment of registration ( See also Amendment of mark in registration)— 1609 – 1609.09
- certification statement— 1609.12
- correction of mistake— 1609.10 – 1609.10(b)
- dates of use— 1609.07
- disclaimer— 1609.05
- effect on limitation of grounds for cancellation— 1609.08
- fee required— 1609.02
- from Supplemental to Principal Register not permitted— 1609.09
- of classification— 1609.04
- of identification of goods/services— 1609.03
- of mark— 1609.02 – 1609.02(g)
- of owner’s address— 1609.11
- of registered extension of protection— 1609.01 ; 1609.02 ; 1609.03 ; 1609.04 ; 1904.13 ; 1906.01 – 1906.01(i)
- of registrations with color claim— 1609.02(e)
- territorial restrictions— 1609.06
- who may request— 1609.01(a) ; 1609.01(b)
- Amendment to allege use— 1104 – 1104.11
- approval of— 1104.11
- blackout period— 1103 ; 1104.03(b) ; 1104.03(c)
- dates of use— 1104.10(b)(iv)
- drawing— 1104.10(b)(vi))
- ex parte appeals— 1104.07
- examination of, by examining attorney— 1104.09 – 1104.10(a)
- execution of— 1104.10(b)(ii)
- fee for filing— 1104.10(b)(vii)
- filed in conjunction with application— 1104.05
- filing during pendency of ex parte appeal— 1104.07
- form of— 1104.02
- identification of goods/services in— 1104.10(b)(iii)
- located after publication— 1104.04
- minimum requirements for— 1104.01
- ownership— 1104.10(b)(i)
- requirements for— 1104.08
- review for compliance with minimum filing requirements— 1104.01(a) – 1104.01(c)
- specimen— 1104.10(b)(v)
- substantive refusals— 1102.01
- time for filing— 1104.03
- use in commerce— 1104.10(b)(iv)
- use on all goods/services before filing— 1104.03(a)
- withdrawal of— 1104.11
- “America” or “American,” marks comprising— 1209.03(n) ; 1210.02(b)(iv)
- American Viticultural Areas— 1306.05(h)
- Apostille— 804.01(a)(i)
- Appeal briefs, applicants’— 1501 ; 1501.02(a)
- Appeal briefs, examining attorneys’
- failure to file— 1501 ; 1714.01(f)(ii)
- format for— 1501.02(b) ; Appendix A
- preparation of— 1501.02(b)
- Appeal to Trademark Trial and Appeal Board
- amendment after decision on— 1501.06
- amendment during— 1501.05
- appealable matter— 1501.01 ; 1704
- application record must be complete prior to— 710.01(c)
- dismissal of— 1501 ; 1714.01(f)(ii)
- fee for— 1501.04
- in general— 1501 – 1501.07
- time period for— 715.03(c) ; 1501
- withdrawal of refusal during— 1501.03
- Appealable matter— 1501.01
- Applicant
- address of— 803.05
- application void if wrong party identified as— 803.06 ; 1201.02(b)
- association as— 803.02(c) ; 803.03(c)
- banking institution— 803.03(g)
- citizenship of— 803.04
- communication with applicant who is represented by attorney— 601.02
- companies— 803.03(c)
- corporation as— 803.02(c) ; 803.03(c)
- correcting mistake in name of— 1201.02(c)
- eligible under §44— 1002 – 1002.05
- Federally recognized Indian tribe— 803.03(j)
- foreign— 803.03(i) ; Appendix D
- government bodies and universities as— 803.03(f)
- individual as— 803.02(a) ; 803.03(a)
- joint applicants as— 803.03(d)
- joint venture as— 803.02(b) ; 803.03(b)
- limited liability companies as— 803.03(h)
- limited liability partnerships as— 803.03(k)
- may not be changed— 803.06 ; 1201.02(b)
- minor— 803.01
- must be natural or juristic person— 803.01
- name of— 803.02
- operating divisions— 1201.02(d)
- partnership as— 803.02(b) ; 803.03(b)
- properly identifying the applicant— 1201.02(a)
- sole proprietorship as— 803.03(a)
- trusts, conservatorships and estates as— 803.03(e) – 803.03(e)(i)
- verification of— 804 – 804.05
- who may apply— 803.01
- Applicant’s name— 803.02
- Applicants, joint— 611.06(a) ; 803.03(d)
- Application checklist— 818
- Application files
- Application for registration
- abandoned ( See also Abandonment of application)— 718
- “amended”— 702.01
- approved for publication— 1502
- basis for ( See Filing basis)
- classification— 1401 – 1401.08
- combined ( See Combined application)
- concurrent use ( See Concurrent use registration)
- dates of use— 903.01 ; 903.02
- declaration in lieu of oath— 804.01(b)
- defective— 204 – 204.03
- establishing ownership of— 502 – 502.03
- filing basis ( See Filing basis)
- filing date ( See Filing date (application))
- form for filing— 802
- informal— 204 – 204.03
- intent-to-use ( See Intent-to-use applications)
- multiple-class ( See Combined application)
- persons who can sign verification— 804.04
- priority under §44(d)— 806.01(c) ; 1003 – 1003.08
- should specify register on which registration is sought— 801.02(a)
- signature— 804 – 804.05
- specimen— 904 – 904.07(b) ; 1301.04 – 1301.04(j)
- statutory averments— 804.02
- suspended ( See also Suspension of action by Office)— 716 – 716.06
- TEAS Plus— 819 – 819.03
- types of— 801 – 801.02(b)
- use in commerce— 806.01(a)
- verification made in foreign country— 804.01(a)(i)
- verification with oath— 804.01(a)
- Application serial number— 401.02
- Applications for international registration ( See International applications for registration)
- Article 6 ter of Paris Convention— 1205.02
- Artist, name of, on original work of art— 1202.09(b)
- Assignee
- entitled to prosecute application or registration— 501.05 ; 502.01
- establishing ownership in name of— 502 – 502.03
- issuance of new registration certificate to— 502.03
- issuance of original registration certificate in name of— 502.02(a) – (b)
- not domiciled in United States— 501.04
- stands in place of applicant or registrant— 501.05
- Assignment ( See also Assignee)
- accessibility of records— 503.08
- conditional— 503.01(e)
- definition of— 501.01
- documents— 503.02 ; 503.03(a)
- establishing ownership— 502 – 502.03
- examining attorney’s action regarding— 502.02(c)
- failure to record— 501.03
- indexing against recorded document not permitted— 503.07
- of extension of protection of international registration— 501.01(b) ; 501.07 ; 502.01 ; 502.02(b) ; 502.03 ; 503.03(a) ; 503.05 ; 1904.06 ; 1906.01(a) – 1906.01(a)(iii)
- of intent-to-use application— 501.01(a)
- of marks in applications or registrations— 501.01
- of §1(b) application— 501.01(a)
- of §44 application— 501.04 ; 1006
- of §66(a) application— 501.01(b) ; 501.07 ; 502.01 ; 502.02(b) ; 502.03 ; 503.03(a) ; 503.05 ; 1904.06 ; 1906.01(a) – 1906.01(a)(iii)
- partial— 501.06 ; 1110.11 ; 1615
- recordation of ( See Assignment, recordation of)
- records open to public— 503.08
- searching— 104 ; 503.08
- written assignment required— 501.02
- Assignment, recordation of
- address for submitting documents— 503.04
- automatic updating— 504 – 504.04
- correction of errors in— 503.06 – 503.06(f)
- correspondence address not changed by— 503.01(b)
- cover sheet— 503.03(e) ; 503.06(a) – 503.06(a)(ii)
- date of— 503.05
- documents eligible for— 503.02
- effect of— 503.01 – 503.01(e)
- electronic filing— 503.03(a) ; 503.03(b) ; 503.03(e)
- errors, correction of— 503.06 – 503.06(f)
- fee for— 503.03(d)
- indexing not permitted— 503.07
- not a determination of validity— 503.01(c)
- of extension of protection of international registration must be filed International Bureau— 503.03(a) ; 503.05 ; 503.06 ; 503.06(b) ; 504.04 ; 1904.06
- of international registration— 1906.01 – 1906.01(a)(iv)
- original documents should not be filed— 503.03(b)
- petitions to correct or expunge assignment records— 503.06(f)
- procedure for— 503.05
- requirements for— 503.03 – 503.03(e)
- resubmission of documents for— 503.05
- searching may be done on USPTO website— 104 ; 503.08
- Association
- Assumed business name— 803.02 ; 803.02(a) ; 803.02(b)
- Attorney
- appearance by— 602 ; 602.01
- associate power of— 605.03
- bar information required— 604.02 ; 811.01 ; 1612.03
- Canadian— 602.03(a)
- change of— 604.04 ; 609.02 ; 609.02(a) ; 609.02(b)
- communication with— 601.02 ; 604.04 ; 608.01 ; 609.01 ; 609.02 ; 707.01 ; 708.02
- communication with applicant who is represented by— 601.02
- correspondence sent to— 604.04 ; 609 ; 609.01 ; 609.02(a) ; 609.02(b)
- identification information required— 602.01(a) ; 811.01 ; 1612.03
- invalid attorney identification information— 602.01(b)
- Office may not aid in selection of— 601.01
- powers of ( See also Power of attorney)— 602.01 – 605.04
- representation of owner of mark by— 601 – 601.02
- revocation of power of— 606
- signature of— 611.01(a) ; 611.02
- standards of conduct— 603
- suspended— 608.02
- withdrawal of— 607
- Audit, post registration— 1604.22 – 1613.22
- Averments, statutory— 804.02
A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P, Q, R, S, T, U, V, W, X, Y, Z