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Alt Legal WebinarOverlapping Your Boundaries: Layering copyrights, patents, and trade dress to bolster brand protection

Thursday, July 21, 2022
4:00 PM - 5:15 PM ET

1.25 hour event

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The famous design of the Coca-Cola bottle has acquired so much distinctiveness that not only is it protected by trade dress, but it is recognizable even in pieces. Long before its acquired distinctiveness status, and before the shape was even a registered trademark, though, the bottle was protected by a design patent. This is just one example of overlapping IP protection. A successful trademark strategy will often layer trademarks with other types of IP filings to maximize protection. In this presentation, IP Professor and patent/trademark attorney Lolita Darden discusses how to layer different types of IP to increase protections. Topics include:

  • How to strategically layer IP protections to grow an IP portfolio
  • When to file different IP filings to maximize protection
  • Requirements for trade dress, design patent, and copyright protection
  • How to determine which IP protections are best for a particular client

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