Introducing the AltLegalTrademarket
Alt Legal Team | December 06, 2020
Ever since we rolled out our first “I ♡ Trademarks” t-shirts earlier this year, we’ve been inundated with requests for trademark swag. We heard the requests loud and clear and sent all the attendees of our inaugural Alt Legal Connect conference their own shirts.

And as attendees and speakers shared images of themselves wearing their new shirts, their friends asked how they could get them.
The short answer is that these shirts are reserved for Alt Legal Community speakers and Alt Legal Connect speakers, sponsors, and attendees. Want to sign up to speak? Go here. Want to attend Alt Legal Connect? Go here.
But if you just want trademark gear, we’re glad to help.
We’re proud to announce the launch of AltLegalTrademarket, Alt Legal’s site for trademark gear. Show the world your love for trademarks, puns, or both. Right now you can get a “Trademarks are my jam” t-shirt, and more designs will be available soon.

The best part? We’re passing on all the net proceeds from AltLegalTrademarket to The Playing Field Project, a nonprofit focused on diversifying the legal profession. Those of you familiar with Alt Legal know how much we value diversity, equity, and inclusion, and we’re proud to support this worthwhile organization.
Visit AltLegalTrademarket today to buy your trademark swag and support a great cause!