I ♡ Trademarks NewsletterIssue #391
Bri Van Til | July 02, 2024

Scam Dunk
What would you do if someone impersonated you, spoofed your website, and sent cease and desist letters on your behalf to try to extort someone for money?
It’s worth reminding your clients that bad actors may contact them and claim their renewal dates are sooner than they are.
Here’s the USPTO’s guide to recognizing common IP-related scams.
The Biden administration wants drug manufacturers to stop anticompetitive behavior and help drive down costs, but the industry would prefer not to.
Starbucks is suing cannabis company STARBUDS—whose logo is a smoking siren—for trademark infringement.
If you’re curious about PTAB trends in cases involving drug patents, here’s a handy report for you.
The WHO wants people to be careful about fake weight loss drugs. Would you say they’re fighting a losing battle?
More SCOTUS Decisions (But Not That One)
SCOTUS has sounded the death knell for Chevron precedent, saying “courts may not defer to an agency interpretation” of laws that are unclear or unspecified.
In her dissent, Justice Kagan warned the decision risks turning the Supreme Court into “the country’s administrative czar.”
Here’s a breakdown of the political and ideological divisions of the justices’ opinions in recent decisions.
According to Snyder v. United States, bribes are bad, but gratuities are fine. Does that mean it’s okay to send gifts to your examining attorneys and district court judges? After the fact, of course, so it’s a gratuity. I’m asking for a friend.
Professional Concerns
Don’t like your current job? I have an Eligon solution for you: apply to be a trademark paralegal at this firm.
The deadline to apply to this IP and contracts AGC position is (Susan G.) Komen up, so get your materials in now.
Johnson & Johnson has openings, baby! Check out this listing for a trademark paralegal.
Consider taking this job as commercial counsel for Allstate, which is subtly different from all states, which would be like 50 times as much work.
Have an open role on your team? Send a link to your job listing to [email protected], and we’ll publish it in our next newsletter.
Odds and Ends
The DC Circuit has found that medical device “right to repair” challenges may be brought as part of the Administrative Procedure Act.
It’s worth noting that hyperlinks can change, making them less than ideal for inclusion in legal documents.
A federal jury has decided Verizon must pay almost $850 million dollars for patent infringement.
The House of Representatives has again introduced the SHOP SAFE Act to try to curb counterfeits and/or squash small businesses (depending on who you ask).
Harvard Law has released Zero-L, an introduction to legal concepts and practice intended to give incoming law students useful background.