I ♡ Trademarks NewsletterIssue #323
Bri Van Til | January 31, 2023

That’s Just, Like, Your Opinion, Man
Read this attorney’s assessment of whether AI generators infringe on owners’ rights.
Twitter users have a lot to say about a fraud on JP Morgan that was discovered in part because the spreadsheets of the company it acquired happened to have exactly the maximum number of rows allowed in an Excel spreadsheet.
Check out this attorney’s assessment of the “world’s first robot lawyer.”
This IP attorney is weighing in on a couple of recent AI-related lawsuits, including Getty Images’ suit against Stable Diffusion.
Connect for Learning (and for Fun!)
Join us for this Alt Legal Connect session to learn what makes for a successful Expungement or Reexamination proceeding. Hear from three practitioners whose proceedings were initiated and an IP private investigator about evidence, presentation, argumentation, and more.
We’re excited to that Alt Legal Connect will include a live TTAB hearing focused on likelihood of confusion. Whether or not TTAB proceedings are currently part of your practice, hearing the arguments and seeing your peers’ comments will be hugely beneficial.
Whether you think of yourself as a TTAB attorney or not, there’s a good chance your clients have received TTAB notices. Come to this workshop to learn how to deal with them.
What’s the best way to organically drive traffic to your firm’s website? Content. Come learn how to create content that clients want to read.
This is your last chance to buy a ticket for Alt Legal Connect: the conference starts Monday. Don’t miss it! Sign up now and use the code “newsletter” for a discount.
Tech in Control
What are the copyright implications for companies that use ChatGPT for content production? I’m asking for a friend.
Art there ways to tell what images were created by AI? You see what I did there?
Inaccessible code apparently makes for difficult code copyright infringement claims.
The Copyright Office is working on some clarification about AI.
This lawsuit seemingly about fonts could change the (type)face of the fight over AI.
Professional Concerns
General Motors—which fortunately doesn’t restrict its sales to only military officers of the highest rank—is looking for technology and privacy counsel.
If you want to apply to be a senior legal response manager at Etsy, I bet you need to craft your cover letter carefully.
I suggest you try to be intellectual property counsel at J.Crew, K? No word on if they want you to have an LLM. Don’t say NO.
Urban Outfitters is looking for IP counsel, but especially since it’s a hybrid position, they might even hire you if you live in a rural area.
Have an open role on your team? Send a link to your job listing to [email protected], and we’ll publish it in our next newsletter.
Odds and Ends
Read all about the Protecting American Intellectual Property Act, including its sanctions for trade secrets theft.
Here’s an interesting example of the importance of securing trademark rights before making public announcements. It seems to have worked out, though.
Universal Studios has filed a trademark application for UNIVERSAL HORROR UNLEASHED. I thought I owned that from having taught middle school, but I guess not.
There will be no newsletter next week because I’ll be at Alt Legal Connect. I’d love to have you join me!