Alt Legal IP Webinars: FAQ for CLE Credit
Alt Legal Team | January 26, 2021

We are happy to be able to provide CLE credit for California for select Alt Legal IP Webinars. California offers reciprocity in many states. If your state does accept reciprocity, you may be able to obtain CLE credit by filing a request with your state. We’ve compiled a list of frequently asked questions related to CLE. If your question is not answered here, please send us an email at [email protected] or call us at (646) 665-7975.
What do I need to do to get a certificate of attendance?
To qualify for CLE credit, you need to actively watch the entire webinar. Listen for and write down the CLE code when it is provided: you will need to input the EXACT code in the circulated survey. If the code you provide is an exact match, Alt Legal will email you a certificate of attendance.
Can I get credit for watching the webinar as a recorded video?
We are unable to provide you with a certificate of attendance unless you attend the webinar live. However, check with your state’s Bar to see if you can still receive self-study credit.
Where can I find the materials or survey for the webinar?
Materials will be distributed in the chat during the presentation. In addition, you can find the materials for past webinars on our blog here.
Can I get CLE credit if I’m not a California-licensed attorney?
We have only applied for CLE credit in the state of California. However, several states offer reciprocity with California. Other states have a procedure for self-applying for CLE credit. More information can be found here.